Notificación oficial de Regumed:
You have certainly noticed that security measures are being taken worldwide to contain the spread of the corona virus. The WHO has declared a "health emergency of international proportions" and the crisis management team of the German Federal Government recommends that the principles of the Robert Koch Institute be taken into account when assessing the risk of major events.
Our 60th anniversary congress should be something very special. Together with you and over 500 invited guests from all over the world, we wanted to celebrate this event.
However, as the organizer of a large, international event, we are also aware of our responsibility to help and prevent. The safety and health of all visitors and employees is an absolute priority for us and our partners. Therefore, after careful consideration, we decided to hold the 60th International BICOM Congress as a purely online event. Together with you, we would like to celebrate the premiere of our 1st Online Congress! So you can be there from the comfort of your own home or on the road to participate in the exchange of knowledge.
More information about the Online Congress will follow shortly on the homepage. If you have already paid for your participation in the congress, the fee will be refunded.
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We are looking forward to our 1st Online BICOM Congress with you and send our warmest regards from Planegg, stay healthy!